1.CUSTOMIZE THE TEXT ‘PROPERTY OF’ or ‘DO NOT REMOVE’, are the most commonly used titles texts or label headlines. However, you can also utilize asset tags for identification, call back service or accounting and inventory purposes. Some of the heading include: ‘LEASED BY; ‘FOR MAINTENANCE CALL; SERVICE BY, HELP DESK, ‘INSTALLED BY’; and ‘INVENTORY TAG’. The third line of text (Extra Text) can be utilized for your department name, company address or phone number as contact details in case the equipment is lost. 2. CUSTOMIZE THE COLOR Organize your tags using different colors for your different needs. You can choose from our color palette and color-code your asset tags according to type, use or department. Aside from making inventory easier, organizing by color can also help you monitor whether an item is in the right place or not. 3. CHOOSE BARCODES AND NUMBERS Use bar-coded asset tags for faster record keeping and tracking – barcodes are a great way for you to keep track of inventory faster and more effectively. While the initial implementation may seem rather tedious since you will need to scan each and every code into your system and then sort these according to how you want these sorted, once the system is in place, all you will need to do is to scan the codes on these tags when you need to check your inventory and the computer that the barcode scanner is linked to will do the rest. You can assign your own serial numbers to your asset tags. You can choose from the following options:
NO NUMBERING – you will get a blank pad, if you plan to print your serial numbers at a later time.
IDENTICAL BARCODE – Perfect if you want to use the asset tag for identification of the same item.
Use Sequential Number/Barcode – You may add any series of alphabetical and numerical sequence for the Prefix and Suffix and only the Consecutive number will change for each tag.
QR CODES can be printed sequentially or from your supplied data.