We offer a wide range of materials to choose from. The first step in buying asset tags is to know the right material for the assets’ and your company’s environment as a whole. If the assets are mostly left outdoors exposed to the elements, it would make sense to buy asset tags that can survive such conditions. Metalised Polyester comes highly preferred for outdoor usage but if you require asset tags that can withstand impact, abrasion, scuffing and other similar situations, then Photo Anodised Metal Plates or Foil Tags would be the best choice. If your application is marking portable devices, such as mobile phones or items that are in contact with human hands it is highly recommended that you use ¹ 3M Polyester with clear over-laminate, ² Photo Anodised Aluminium as the best solution. Whatever your application is you will need the best advice to meet your requirements, so please call us to discuss your application, its a free service and with over 25 years experience in labeling we are confident that we can help!